Purchase a Yacht in Italy

/Purchase a Yacht in Italy
Yacht Law ITALY
Purchase a Yacht in Italy

Purchase a Yacht in Italy (legal assistance)

Our yacht legal team assist the client in negotiations for the sale of a yacht or for the conclusion of contracts for the construction of new boats, with the necessary financing and with due attention to applicable fiscal arrangements.

The yacht Law team offers assistance and consultancy to yacht buyers from a legal and tax perspective, dealing with:

* Due Diligence

* Negotiation and drafting of boat purchase and sale and refitting contracts

* Drafting new boat construction/tender contracts

* Vessel registration and flag change

* Yacht leasing and financing contracts

* Tax regime and VAT

* Arbitration in disputes between shipowners and shipyards and/or with crew

The yacht Law team is able to indicate to its clients external consultants who assist yacht owners and managers in the supply, management and training of qualified crews.


* Recruitment and placement services

* Provision of crew contracts

* Upon boarding in European jurisdiction, if oapplicable

* Monthly payroll calculations and remittance

* Crew logistical support

* Tailored crew management services

In the context of litigation, the Firm assists its clients in disputes with shipyards regarding the quality or execution of the construction or repair of yachts, the guarantee for faults, defects and non-conformities and any other dispute relating to the phases of use of the yacht. ‘boat.

You can contact us by

E-mail: studiolegalesantini@hotmail.com

Tel. 0039 (0)6 3208106

Rome – Via Marianna Dionigi 57

Milan – Via Stradivari 9